Hear Cauldron Tap Into Classic Hard-Rock Influences on Dokken-esque New Song | Page 3 | Revolver

Hear Cauldron Tap Into Classic Hard-Rock Influences on Dokken-esque New Song

"No Longer" comes ahead of band's forthcoming fifth album

Toronto's Cauldron are set to return with another headbanging LP, New Gods, due via The End Records on September 7th — their fifth overall. The latest single is "No Longer," a Scorpions-meets-Dokken–esque rocker that focuses on strong vocals and badass guitar licks to create their retro-leaning approach. Riffs are paramount, yet the quality of the band's songwriting supersedes any potential genre trappings. Check out "No Longer" above, a track that feels suited to be on Under Lock and Key or Back for the Attack. You can pre-order your copy of the LP via The End.

Bassist and frontman Jason Decay offered his thoughts on the new song in a recent interview. "'No Longer' is a song that really came together and transformed into something unique with the melody," he recalls. "It is our first attempt at an acapella part and probably my favorite track on the record. Lyrically, it's pretty dark, but out of that I think we got a pretty strong song."