Fan Poll: 5 Most Metal Animals | Page 6 | Revolver

Fan Poll: 5 Most Metal Animals

No, those Metallica-hating cougars did not make the cut
shark_getty_credit_daniel_botelho_barcroft_media.jpg, Daniel Botelho / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
photograph by Daniel Botelho / Barcroft Media via Getty Images

As of late, there's a whole lot of Tool and Slipknot headlines dominating the heavy-music news. But one metal-centric story that broke that trend and went viral recently was the tale of Dee Gallant, a Canadian woman who scared off a cougar while walking her dog by blasting Metallica's "Don't Tread on Me." "I thought it was the noisiest thing on my phone that would probably scare it," she explained. "That was also the messaged I wanted to convey to the cougar ... As soon as the first notes blared out it ran into the bush." Which pretty much seals it for cougars: not metal. That being case, we wondered, what is the most metal animal? We asked you, our readers, and below are your top-five choices and hilarious (but also very convincing) justifications.

5. Penguin

"Penguins. They wear full body corpse paint and live only in cold, grim environments." — Dan Cormican

4. Whale

"Whales. We have known this for a while. Thanks Mastodon and Gojira. Whales are heavy as fuck." — Abby Buchanan

3. Shark

"Sharks! See Deftones' 'My Own Summer' music video for reference." — Paul Navarro Gonzales

2. Honey Badger

"Honey badger! Those fuckers will fight anything or anyone!" — Christian Henderkott

jayweinbergwithgoats.jpg, @jayweinberg
photos from @jayweinberg

1. Goat

"This is the actual goat from the Iowa album cover (pictured with Jay Weinberg)." — Timothy Marinaccio