Metallica Were "Blown Away" by 'Stranger Things' "Master of Puppets" Scene | Page 4 | Revolver

Metallica Were "Blown Away" by 'Stranger Things' "Master of Puppets" Scene

Band say they were "beyond psyched" to have their song featured in popular Netflix show
Metallica Jimmy Hubbard , Jimmy Hubbard
photograph by Jimmy Hubbard

The highlight of the two-hour-plus season finale of Stranger Things is when the show's metalhead character Eddie Munson shreds Metallica's "Master of Puppets" in order to try and defeat his demonic antagonist VECNA. It's instantly become one of the most widely-viewed metal moments of 2022 thus far, and it turns out that Metallica are incredibly stoked to have had their song featured in such a prominent scene in one of the most popular TV shows on the planet.

"The way The Duffer Brothers have incorporated music into Stranger Things has always been next level," the band wrote in an Instagram post, "so we were beyond psyched for them to not only include 'Master of Puppets' in the show, but to have such a pivotal scene built around it. We were all stoked to see the final result and when we did we were totally blown away.

"It's so extremely well done, so much so, that some folks were able to guess the song just by seeing a few seconds of Joseph Quinn's hands in the trailer!! How crazy cool is that?

"It's an incredible honor to be such a big part of Eddie's journey and to once again be keeping company with all of the other amazing artists featured in the show."

And to make a cool thing even cooler, the audio version of "Master of Puppets" used in the show features a newly-recorded intro and solo performed by Tye Trujillo, the teenage son of Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo, who worked with Kirk Hammett to perfect the parts. Keepin' it in the family.