See Cambridge University Students Get Stumped by Iron Maiden Questions on Quiz Show | Revolver

See Cambridge University Students Get Stumped by Iron Maiden Questions on Quiz Show

Contestants on U.K.'s "University Challenge" were not prepared for 'The Number of the Beast'

"University Challenge" is a long-running British quiz show that pits two teams of four — each repping a given British university or college — against each other in the nation's most elite academic tournament. Last night's battle of wits, (July 30th) between Pembroke College and Downing College of Cambridge of University, featured several questions (which appear at 9:44 in the video above) about legendary U.K. metal band Iron Maiden, which left the latter team dumbfounded, as Metalsucks points out.

The three questions were as follows:

1. The five-word title of which 1982 album appears in the Book of Revelations, after the words "here is wisdom let him who hath understanding count" what?

2. Four words that appear before "Thy Kingdom Come" in St Luke's gospel form the title of which track from Number of the Beast, concerning a condemned man?

3. Which track from Number of the Beast shares its title with a 1960s television series, filmed largely in an Italian village in North Wales?

The answers, as follows, are: Number of the Beast, "Hallowed Be Thy Name," and "The Prisoner."

Alas, the students were stumped by all three questions, responding with nervous laughter and wide-eyed looks; these kids might be able to solve complex math and science problems, but The Number of the Beast might as well be Ancient Greek to them. Perhaps they should have asked Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich for help — he is a fellow game-show contestant, after all.