See Lacuna Coil's Cristina Scabbia Reveal 'Elder Scrolls Online' Dark Elf Avatar | Page 2 | Revolver

See Lacuna Coil's Cristina Scabbia Reveal 'Elder Scrolls Online' Dark Elf Avatar

"It's like seeing a better version of you on the screen"

Onstage, Cristina Scabbia paints up her face and summons primordial gothic energy every night with her band Lacuna Coil. Offstage, she chops through an endless horde of forsworn, daedra and hired thugs with an enormous two-handed sword in the savage realm of Tamriel.

We know this, because over the weekend Zenimax visited Scabbia and interviewed her about her Elder Scrolls: Online habit that keeps her sane on the road. ESO, of course, is the massively-multiplayer incarnation of the hugely influential Elder Scrolls series, and it's also secretly one of the most popular MMOs on earth, with a reported 2.5 million players.

In the video Scabbia reveals that she plays a Dark Elf that bears a striking resemblance to her onstage persona.

"You can completely personalize your character, height, breast, everything," she says. "It's so cool cause it's like seeing a better version of you on the screen."

The singer also goes on to describe her gameplay approach: "I have my two hand sword and I just go around, and you know, it may seem weird but being unpredictable sometimes is a good thing, because some of the reactions are unexpected. And this is what I like the best — I'm not very good at casting spells."

Watch the video above. Please Zenimax, put Lacuna Coil into ESO. It's the only right thing to do.