Chino Moreno picks best DEFTONES song for introducing new fans | Page 4 | Revolver

Chino Moreno picks best DEFTONES song for introducing new fans

"Born out of basically two notes and a drumbeat"
deftones 2022 LIVE Mohlman, Justin Mohlman
photograph by Justin Mohlman

For more than a quarter century, Deftones have been putting out music that people fawn over. They're the type of band that fans don't just like — they love, worshiping at the Sacramento band's alt-metal altar and praising everything they've ever done in magical terms. That's all well and fine, but saying, "It's all amazing," isn't super useful for someone who's never heard Deftones before. Where should a newcomer actually start?

For them, Revolver is here to help with our "Point of Entry" series, in which we ask artists to pick the single standout cut from across their entire catalog that they believe is the best place for virgin listeners to begin their journey. Here, Deftones frontman Chino Moreno does the honors.

"Digital Bath"

"Digital Bath" is probably one of my favorite songs that I've written. Really simple but, I don't know, I think it's really effective. I like the lyrics. I like the fact that it was just born out of basically two notes and a drumbeat. Things that kind of happen quick and organically, those tend to be some of my favorite songs that I've been a part of. Things that are made and they're not so thought-out, they're just kind of a reaction.