Hear Erra's Devastating New Song "House of Glass" | Page 4 | Revolver

Hear Erra's Devastating New Song "House of Glass"

Prog metalcore band muses on suicide and depression in age of division

Erra take their name from the Akkadian god of war and plague, and the Alabama progressive metalcore unit more than live up to that moniker on their head-spinning, neck-snapping new single, "House of Glass," which Revolver is proud to premiere right here right now. The song, which is packed with technical riffing and dynamic melodicism, comes fast on the heels of this summer's "Snowblood" and hints at hellacious things to come next year, when the band plans to drop a new full-length, the follow-up to 2018's Neon.

Vocalist-guitarist Jesse Cash tells us of "House of Glass," "The lyrics started as a mutation of two ideas: the first being the seemingly heightened sensationalism of suicide over the last few years, the second being partisan ideology paralleled with cult-like zeal. The concept of connecting these two ideas stemmed from my musing over how much depression and suicide could have at least in part been heightened by the polarization of the 2016 election year and onward."

Blast the song above. "House of Glass" is available via digital streaming platforms now.