Hear Atrament "Spit on Mankind" With New Black/Death Crust Ripper | Page 5 | Revolver

Hear Atrament "Spit on Mankind" With New Black/Death Crust Ripper

Abstracter and Necrot members ready new LP of d-beat destruction

Featuring current and former members of Abstracter, Necrot, Vastum and more, Atrament's lineup should assure any students of the dark musical arts of the band's abilities. What's more, one listen to "Spit on Mankind" and it becomes clearer — this band fucking rips. Kicking off with a d-beat straight out of the Anti-Cimex playbook, Atrament settles into a black/death-influenced crust groove, roaring like a 10-ton tractor trailer driven by a man who plays a little too much Frogger. This is nasty, hateful, anti-social stuff, meaning fans of everything from Driller Killer, Martyrdöd, Wolfbrigade to early Stockholm death metal take note — this is the band for you. Stream it below for the first time. 

"Spit on Mankind" comes from the forthcoming LP Scum Sect, due via Sentient Ruin (a Caligari co-release on cassette) and Blood Harvest.