Hear Coheed and Cambria's Cosmic New Song "The Dark Sentencer" | Page 3 | Revolver

Hear Coheed and Cambria's Cosmic New Song "The Dark Sentencer"

Prog-rockers return to space and 'Amory Wars' saga with latest single

On their last record, Coheed and Cambria took a break from the narrative of their continuing sci-fi epic the Amory Wars, but now they've returned to space with their new single "The Dark Sentencer." The band had hyped up the cut over the past few weeks, releasing quick teasers, before revealing the track today in the form of a 10-minute video that sets up what's going on cosmically in Coheed's world at the time of the song. "The Dark Sentencer" is concerned with a space prison far away from all other life, a la The Raft in Marvel Comics. Despite the seemingly grim subject matter, the soaring song with its rolling guitar riff could soundtrack the montage to any intergalactic underdog story. Consider it a tantalizing taste of Coheed's next album, which has yet to announced.