Hear Death-Metal Stalwarts Deceased's Crushing New Album 'Ghostly White' in Full | Page 4 | Revolver

Hear Death-Metal Stalwarts Deceased's Crushing New Album 'Ghostly White' in Full

Long-running Northern Virginia band returns with 8th furious full-length

UPDATE: Deceased drummer Dave "Scarface" Castillo has died at age 43.

The year is 1985. Ronald Reagan is President. David Lee Roth has left Van Halen. David Bowie is the first artist to make his entire catalog available on CD. Possessed, Celtic Frost and Slayer release landmark LPs and Megadeth releases their debut. And in Northern Virginia, a band called Deceased is forming after stints as Madd Butcher and Evilaxe.

It's fascinating to put a long-running band like Deceased in context, considering that the death-metal stalwarts have been kicking around for thirty-three years, much longer than any metal trend or all of you whipper-snapper johnny-come-latelys have even thought about metal. And in that time the band have only release seven LPs in total, the last one being 2011's Surreal Overdose.

Seven years and a few smaller releases later King Fowley and the boys are welcoming their latest entry and eighth LP overall, Ghostly White via Hells Headbangers Records (due on 11/16 order yours). Bursting at the seams with ripping riffs, melodic leads and the furious vocal vomit of Fowley, the new effort isn't just a release for the previously converted, its also an LP for all the new jacks to understand the incredible history of the genre and the key role that the NoVa band has played in it.

Ghostly White is the last Deceased album to feature drummer Dave "Scarface" Castillo, who died on November 13th.