Hear Domkraft's Hypnotic Krautrock-Inflected Doom on New 'Flood' Album | Page 4 | Revolver

Hear Domkraft's Hypnotic Krautrock-Inflected Doom on New 'Flood' Album

Power trio evokes Om with "raw yet rich" third LP
domkraft_2018_1_photo_credit_andreas_widholm.jpg, Andreas Widholm
photograph by Andreas Widholm

A quick perusal of Domkraft's bandcamp reveals their version of a bio: Organic. Electric. Hypnotic. Loud. 

While, based upon said description, these Swedes could never be nailed for false advertising, it does leave out some key adjectives that could also be considered.

1) Careful. Lest you think of the definition for "careful" that means "with caution," "careful" in the case of Domkraft means "done with or showing attention." Flood, the band's latest LP shows a particular focus on songcraft, one that uses proggy stoner riffs to keep a hypnotic cadence while the vocals guide you on a melodic journey — think of the approach on an Om record, but with more changes in the riffs. None of this would work well if the riffs in question weren't whoppers, which in Domkraft's case, they most definitely are. 

2) Muscular. While Domkraft knows a thing or two about melodic guitar leads, the primary focus is the buzzsaw fuzz riffs. In many cases those furious riffs fall between clean, spaced-out guitar lines, but that just makes their chainsaw-like attack all the more effective when it does kick in.

3) Repeating. This term serves two purposes. The first of which denotes the krautrock-like songwriting structure utilized on Flood. But possibly more importantly, "repeating" is also an adjective that could describe how the listener will approach the LP — by listening over and over.  Check it out for the first time below; you can order yours via the band.

The band comments that Flood, "kind of continues where [2016'sThe End of Electricity left off. The general idea is still there, to combine the minimalistic, repetitive riffing of psych- and krautrock with really, really heavy and doomy rock. But there's more detail this time, both in the overall sound and in how the album is presented as a whole. There are quite a few layers, adding both intensity and atmosphere, but it still has a massive, rough vibe. That's how we like it — raw yet rich."