Hear John 5's Glam-Spiked "Enter Sandman" Cover | Page 3 | Revolver

Hear John 5's Glam-Spiked "Enter Sandman" Cover

Rob Zombie guitarist unleashes shredding instrumental version of Metallica classic

Former Marilyn Manson and current Rob Zombie axeman John 5 has shared a never-before-heard instrumental cover of Metallica's legendary "Enter Sandman." Recorded with his band the Creatures, the guitarist's fiery take puts a glam-rock spin on the Big Four icons' original, substituting James Hetfield's barked melodies with whammy-heavy riffs while keeping Kirk Hammett's classic hooks intact. Listen now. "Enter Sandman" arrives in the wake of last March's John 5 solo album, Season of the Witch.

Here's the original: