Hear Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" Covered in Style of Type O Negative | Page 2 | Revolver

Hear Katy Perry's "Dark Horse" Covered in Style of Type O Negative

Pop song gets goth-metal makeover courtesy of YouTube star Anthony Vincent

Katy Perry has flirted with the goth side before — particularly when it comes to her fashion choices and her Popchips ads — but YouTuber Anthony Vincent has taken her all the way. Recently, the chameleon-act musician scored a viral hit (8.5 million views and counting) with a video in which he covered Perry's "Dark Horse" in 20 different styles, including those of Metallica and Slipknot. One of the most popular versions in the clip was his Type O Negative–inspired take on Perry's smash, so now Vincent has created a video of himself doing the song entirety in the mode of the late, great Pete Steele and Co. Check out the clip above; below, you can also view Vincent's original video.