Hear Post-Hardcore Faves Single Mothers' Explosive New Song "Switch Off" | Page 4 | Revolver

Hear Post-Hardcore Faves Single Mothers' Explosive New Song "Switch Off"

Canadian punk-rock institution unleashes blistering stand-alone single

Post-hardcore stalwarts Single Mothers are back, boiling over with rage, and we couldn't be happier. On the heels of last year's excellent Our Pleasure LP comes "Switch Off," a new single that barrels relentlessly ahead across 84 seconds of pure punk-rock fury. After years on the underground circuit, Single Mothers show no sign of complacency, compromise or "maturing," a.k.a. critics-speak for slowing down and focusing on a pop groove. "Switch Off" — which you can check out for the first time above — should be all the evidence you need of that. Additional details surrounding the song (like, is it from a forthcoming LP, or does the group have touring plans?) are still TBA, but while we wait for a bigger update from the band, you can order the single here.

Vocalist Drew Thompson offered his thoughts on the new effort: "'Switch Off' is kind of about testing who you are and who you could be and who you want to be, switching off the past 'you' and shedding that old skin while taking a step forward — giving that 'new improved you' a spin for a bit and seeing just how the new skin fits. Sometimes a change can last, sometimes it can't — but just 'trying' is the first step to succeeding, right? Hard to say for sure. A lot of ground can be made before the past starts pulling your ankles, tapping you on the shoulder, beckoning your name. 'All I had to do was switch off' — sounds easy but it ain't. Most demons don't just go away."