Hear Post-Hardcore Noise Trio Great Falls' Vicious New Record 'A Sense of Rest' | Page 5 | Revolver

Hear Post-Hardcore Noise Trio Great Falls' Vicious New Record 'A Sense of Rest'

Seattle act features former Undertow, Kiss It Goodbye, Playing Enemy, Jesu members

Melding the minds that brought you Kiss It Goodbye, Undertow, Jesu and Playing Enemy with recording behemoths like Scott Evans (Kowloon Walled City), Tad Doyle (Tad, Brothers of the Sonic Cloth) and Carl Saff (Rosetta, Fu Manchu) have brought the new Great Falls LP to bear, A Sense of Rest.

Though expectations of adventurous, imposing hardcore feats with tinges of metal are to be expected, it's also the sort of band that defies conventional wisdom of what hardcore can accomplish, venturing into post-metal-isms and sludgy slash and burn. It's the sort of band that's a calling card for the in the know, and if there is justice in this world A Sense of Restwill rock on loop and teach these young whipper-snappers a thing or two. Stream the LP in full below and order yours via Corpse Flower / Throatruiner.