Hear Watain's Explosive New Track "Sacred Damnation" | Page 3 | Revolver

Hear Watain's Explosive New Track "Sacred Damnation"

Black-metal stalwarts reveal another punisher off upcoming album 'Trident Wolf Eclipse'

Black-metal masters Watain recently announced Trident Wolf Eclipse, their sixth full-length and the follow-up to 2013's The Wild Hunt. After premiering a fiery visual for "Nuclear Alchemy," its tempestuous first single, the bloodthirsty Swedes are back with more blasphemy in the form the gritty, explosive ripper "Sacred Damnation."

Due out January 12th, Trident Wolf Eclipse arrives just in time for the band's twentieth anniversary — but don't call it a retrospective. "After 20 years of carving our own path through and out of the world, Trident Wolf Eclipse feels like a worthy point of arrival indeed," the band say of the new album, "one of power and force, shining a new harsh light upon all that has been, those that perished along the way, the life altering struggle and triumphant ecstasy of Watain.Trident Wolf Eclipse is, however, not about the past, nor the future; it is about here and now, and we sincerely look forward to show you all what that implies."