Korn's Jonathan Davis Remembers Suicide Silence's Mitch Lucker: "I Miss the Kid" | Page 2 | Revolver

Korn's Jonathan Davis Remembers Suicide Silence's Mitch Lucker: "I Miss the Kid"

Singers hung out two weeks before Lucker's death
suicide silence mitch lucker 2012 GETTY, PYMCA/UIG via Getty Images
Suicide Silence's Mitch Lucker, 2012
photograph by PYMCA/UIG via Getty Images

Suicide Silence vocalist Mitch Lucker died on November 1st, 2012, from severe injuries incurred in a motorcycle accident the night before. He was one of the most charismatic metal frontmen of his generation, who left behind not only his many fans, musical peers and bandmates, but also a wife and young daughter.

Shortly after his passing, we reached out to Lucker's friend and hero Jonathan Davis. He shared the following thoughts on the singer's untimely death.

"I was on the road when I found out Mitch had died and I was shocked. I had just hung out with his ass about two weeks before that. He was on my bus and we were hanging out. We took a picture together.

"I really liked his band. He was a powerful frontman. He had a daughter that he was so proud of and it's just tragic.

"I felt the same way when I lost Paul [Gray] from Slipknot. It seems like this shit happens in this business a lot. That's the choice you make: If you want to live fast, you might die young. It's a cliche, but it's totally fuckin' true. And it's unfortunate that it had to happen to Mitch because he was so fuckin' cool and talented."