The Ocean at Berlin's Natural History Museum: 'Phanerozoic II' Track by Track, Part 1 | Page 3 | Revolver

The Ocean at Berlin's Natural History Museum: 'Phanerozoic II' Track by Track, Part 1

Robin Staps and Paul Seidel break down paleontologic concept album

Over the last two decades, Germany's the Ocean have spearheaded a particularly dynamic — and scientific — brand of epic post-metal. Their latest LP, Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic | Cenozoic, the follow-up to 2017's Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic, wraps up what might be their headiest undertaking yet: an ambitious paleontologic concept double-album. To break down the concluding half of said concept double-album, the Ocean guitarist Robin Staps and drummer Paul Seidel went to the obvious place: the Natural History Museum in Berlin. Join them there among ancient skeletons as they dig into Phanerozoic II's opening cuts, and look out for the next two episodes of their track-by-track dissection of the album, which is out now via Metal Blade Records.