Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne Blast Trump for "Unauthorized" Use of "Crazy Train" | Page 3 | Revolver

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne Blast Trump for "Unauthorized" Use of "Crazy Train"

Sharon: "Perhaps Trump should reach out to some of his musician friends. Maybe Kayne West."
ozzy-getty-ilya-s.-savenokgetty-images-2.jpg, Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images
photograph by Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images

Donald Trump isn't exactly known for his care when it comes to discerning consent and obtaining permission, and when he tweeted a politically charged video using Ozzy Osbourne's 1980 hit "Crazy Train" yesterday, June 27th, the Prince of Fucking Darkness' manager and wife had something to fucking say about it.

Never one to mince words, Sharon commented in a statement, "Based on this morning's unauthorized use of Ozzy Osbourne's 'Crazy Train,' we are sending notice to the Trump campaign (or any other campaigns) that they are forbidden from using any of Ozzy Osbourne's music in political ads or in any political campaigns. Ozzy's music cannot be used for any means without approvals." 

While that's all fine and civil, Sharon's biting wit came into play on the second half of her statement. "In the meantime," she quipped, "I have a suggestion for Mr. Trump — perhaps he should reach out to some of his musician friends. Maybe Kayne West ("Gold Digger"), Kid Rock ("I Am the Bullgod") or Ted Nugent ("Stranglehold") will allow use of their music."

At the time of publishing, the tweet remains up on the president's account and shows technical difficulties at the recent democratic debate heavily edited to fade into darkness from which Trump emerges clapping and smiling before an illustration likening himself to a lion appears as "Crazy Train" plays. See it below.