See Jinjer Pay Tribute to Parents in Moving New "Retrospection" Video | Page 5 | Revolver

See Jinjer Pay Tribute to Parents in Moving New "Retrospection" Video

"This song is an anthem to the ones who sacrificed everything for the sake of our happiness"

Ahead of their upcoming North American headlining tour with Suicide Silence and Toothgrinder (which kicks off in April), Ukrainian metal powerhouse Jinjer have dropped a new music for one of the standout cuts off last year's Macro LP: "Retrospection," a dynamic, emotional song that notably opens with vocalist Tatiana Shmayluk singing in native tongue before shifting into English.

"'Retrospection' is one of the most personal songs we have ever written," the band commented in a statement. "Being a full-time touring musician, spending most of the time on the road … of course we are making our biggest dream come true and living each day to the fullest, but nobody mentions that there is a dark side. We do not see people who devoted themselves to us entirely, who gave us everything they had and more… We miss them and they miss us in return, and yet we should call them more often … much more often than we do.

"I am talking about our parents.

"For most of the Jinjers, our parents are separated from us not only by distance, but also by war and politics. We don't have an opportunity to visit our parents even when we are in Ukraine. And it feels like they are on the other side of the planet even if we are literally only 800 km away. The worst thing is that, now being in our 30s, year after year, it feels like the storm clouds are gathering above. We all know that the day will come when we will feel alone all of a sudden … and we will lose them. The people, but for whom we'd never make it. The bitter taste of understanding this is almost unbearable.

"We look at this song as an anthem to the ones who raised us, who sacrificed everything for the sake of our happiness no matter what the costs, even despite our own thankless and ingratitude towards them. The people who showed us that the purest love ever does exist — the love of the father and mother for their children.

"Thank you.

"Наши мамы и папы, мы хотим, чтобы вы знали, что мы тоже вас любим, и что без вас мы бы никогда не добились всего этого и не осуществили бы свою мечту. Спасибо вам за все
(Mom and Dad, we want you to know that we love you too, if not for you we'd never make it this far and never fulfill our dreams. Thank you for everything.)"