Watch Teenaged Dimebag Darrell Shred Mind-Blowing 6-Minute-Plus Solo in 1984 | Page 3 | Revolver

Watch Teenaged Dimebag Darrell Shred Mind-Blowing 6-Minute-Plus Solo in 1984

Even as a kid, Pantera guitarist could blow most other players away

The shadowy figure in the video above is none other than an 18-year-old Dimebag Darrell, who can be seen working his way through a nearly seven-minute-long guitar solo with his trusty Dean ML. In the clip, the young Dime makes noticeable references to several key six-string influences, especially Randy Rhoads and Eddie Van Halen, with a touch of Yngwie Malmsteen thrown in (and perhaps the showmanship and sartorial style of Jake E. Lee). At this point — sometime in 1984 (we can't be sure exactly when it was filmed), Pantera had only one or two independently released albums under their belt or in the works: 1983's Metal Magic and 1984's Projects in the Jungle.