Whores Talk Amp Disasters, Pizza as Payment and What It Means to Be "Gig Pigs" | Page 4 | Revolver

Whores Talk Amp Disasters, Pizza as Payment and What It Means to Be "Gig Pigs"

Hear Atlanta noise rockers guest on "Worst Gig Ever" podcast
whores_philadelphia-7_credit_pamela_strohm.jpg, Pamela Strohm
Whores, (from left) Christian Lembach and Donnie Adkinson, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
photograph by Pamela Strohm

On the podcast "Worst Gig Ever," Geoff Garlock (Orchid, Panthers, the Year Is One, Low Estate, UCB Theatre) wallows in the crapulance of what it takes to be a musician in this world, with different guests sharing their own hilarious horror stories every week. In its original incarnation, the podcast ran for 100 episodes, give or take, with Garlock joined by co-host Mike Pace; in 2014, they called it a day, but now Revolver has resurrected the show. On this episode, Whores vocalist/guitarist Christian Lembach and drummer Donnie Adkinson discuss amp disasters, sketchy van driving in winter months, how pizza for everybody is not always a good thing, escape routes from bad house hosts, dealing with "tombstones" and what a "gig pig" is.

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