Carcass' Jeff Walker Picks Favorite Horror Movie | Page 2 | Revolver

Carcass' Jeff Walker Picks Favorite Horror Movie

"More subtle and suspenseful than anything coming out today"

Metal and horror go hand in severed hand. With that in mind, we've asked Carcass' Jeff Walker to pick his favorite fright flick, and he was happy to weigh in. 

Dead of Night (1945)

"Dead of Night. It's an English film from 1945. It's black and white and was done in Ealing Studios, which was a famous British film studio when England had a film industry. It's four stories within a story and it influenced a lot of films in the '60s like Vault of Horror and Tales From the Crypt. I really love that kind of old film that is more subtle and suspenseful than anything coming out today. The problem with most modern horror films is they're too graphic, which might sound weird coming from me, but the gore for the sake of gore is cheap and easy."