See Dead Mice Go Death Metal in Bizarre Tomcat Mouse Trap Ad | Page 4 | Revolver

See Dead Mice Go Death Metal in Bizarre Tomcat Mouse Trap Ad

"Dead Mouse Theater" campaign takes "melting your face off" to "whole new level"

The long-running "Dead Mouse Theater" ad campaign for Tomcat-brand mousetraps has come under fire over the years from PETA and others offended by the commercials' purported glorification and mocking of an animal's death. But the campaign keeps marching on, and has recently taken a decidedly headbanger-friendly turn as if to target that coveted heshers-with-a-rodent-problem demographic. A recent video ad pushed through Instagram "presents: Rodent Fist, the heavy metal band who takes 'melting your face off' rock to a whole new level." Rodent Fist, as it turns out, is a British-accented power trio that, at the end of the clip, blows themselves up in a Spinal Tapesque mishap. Offensive? Maybe to some. Ridiculous? Absolutely.