Tool's Website Updated with Trippy New Biomechanical Animation | Revolver

Tool's Website Updated with Trippy New Biomechanical Animation

Psychedelic skeletons, celestial orbs and more

No, it's not a new Tool song, or a new Tool music video. Or even an album cover, or a confirmed release date. But Tool's website has been updated with some captivating psychedelic animation — stop the motherfucking presses! The homepage features a particularly stunning loop of a biomechanical skeletal figure rotating amid floating orbs and swirls of celestial light. Other tabs showcase somewhat less intricate animation, but in all, it makes for a pretty impressive revamp of the band's official site.

The update comes, of course, on the heels of drummer Danny Carey letting slip that Tool's new album is set to drop in mid-April — "That is the plan anyway," he told a fan at NAMM this weekend. We'll believe it when we see it. Until then, enjoy the trippy video loops (rips below courtesy of Metal Injection).