6 Best New Songs Right Now: 6/26/20 | Page 5 | Revolver

6 Best New Songs Right Now: 6/26/20

Bring Me the Horizon, Full of Hell, Hum and more
Bring Me the Horizon

Here at Revolver, we're always on the hunt for new songs to bang our heads to — indeed, it's a big part of our jobs. With that in mind, here are the tracks released this week in metal, hard rock and hardcore that have been on heavy rotation at Revolver HQ. For your listening pleasure, we've also compiled the songs in a Spotify playlist, which will grow each week.

Bring Me the Horizon - "Parasite Eve"
Sheffield, U.K., shape-shifters BMTH re-united their polarized fan base and sound with last year's standalone single "Ludens" by seamlessly mixing metalcore, deathcore, pop and dark electronics. They've done it again with the apocalyptic "Parasite Eve." Partially written last year, kinda shelved and then reworked, it's definitely worth the wait. Frontman Oli Sykes leans his screams back into guttural territory, making a timely declaration: "When life is a prison and death is a door/This ain't a warning/This is a war." With this as the kickoff piece to the band's forthcoming multi-EP Post Human project, we're 100 percent along for the ride.

Full of Hell - "Language of Molten Cherubs"
Full of Hell fucking rule, no question. Dylan Walker and Co.'s death-grind-noise assault to the senses is always impeccable, and "Language of Molten Cherubs," the band's first recorded material since last year's assaultive Weeping Choir LP, falls nowhere short of that mark. The Adult Swim single is abrasive and challenging throughout, culminating in a squonky free-jazz saxophone freakout worthy of John Zorn.

Hum - "Step Into You"
Over 20 years since their last album, Downward Is Heavenward — and 25 since their breakthrough LP, You'd Prefer an Astronaut, with its irresistible quiet-loud hit "Stars" — Hum are back with what should stand as the surprise-released comeback album of the year. Packing a crunchy fuzzed-out riff and a litany of bittersweet refrains, standout cut "Step Into You" is the perfect drug for anyone suffering from Nineties alt-rock nostalgia.

Uniform - "Delco"
New York City industrial trio Uniform have always hit hard, but "Delco" is particularly grueling not just sonically but also thematically, drawing on singer Michael Berdan's experiences being bullied constantly as an adolescent. Full of melting electronics and a grinding riff that complement the harrowing source material, the four-and-a-half-minute dirge is gnarly and uncomfortable in the best way possible.

Necrot - "Asleep Forever"
Highly touted Bay Area death-metal group Necrot go for pure destruction on the latest single off their hotly anticipated Mortal LP. The vicious cut (with one nasty sweet guitar solo) doesn't let up in the slightest across five-plus minutes. As frontman Luca Indrio bellows, "Come with us, follow us down to the end/When we'll be asleep forever." You got it, dude.

Narrow Head - "Night Tryst"
Texas upstart rockers might deploy catchy pop melodies, but that doesn't mean they lack in heavy power. Redolent of Deftones or Nothing's feedback-soaked shoegazery, "Night Tryst" is chock full of distorted guitars and deep significance. Vocalist-guitarist Jacob Duarte says of the Naked Lunch-inspired cut: "A grimy world of drunks and druggies filled with endless nights of unknown substances, pleasures, and regrets. I put my life and experiences into that world, and those are the words that came out."