AVENGED SEVENFOLD's "Nobody": Read lyrics to existential new song | Page 4 | Revolver

AVENGED SEVENFOLD's "Nobody": Read lyrics to existential new song

Informed by Albert Camus' 'The Stranger'

Revolver has teamed with Avenged Sevenfold for an exclusive 2LP brown vinyl variant of Life Is but a Dream, limited to 1,000 copies. Get yours from our shop!

Avenged Sevenfold's last album, 2016's the Stage, was a multi-layered sci-fi epic about space that was influenced by the writings of Neil deGrasse Tyson. As if the vast expanse of the universe wasn't a big enough concept, A7X are wading in similarly grandiose ideas on their newly announced eighth album, Life Is but a Dream (out June 2nd), drawing from the existentialist text of of Albert Camus' 1942 philosophical novella, The Stranger, to inform their musings on what it all fucking means.

Today (March 14th), the O.C. metal titans broke their seven-year silence with the album's brooding death march of a lead single, "Nobody," and while the sonics of the song provide plenty to dig into, the lyrics are equally compelling. The Stranger centers on an emotionally detached and amoral anti-hero Meursault, who, shortly after his mother's funeral, kills a unnamed man in Algiers, and then faces his own execution for the crime with a sense of peace, accepting the meaninglessness of life and death in an absurd universe. "Nobody" appears to play on these themes, with even its title a seeming nod to Meursault's status as a "stranger" not only to society but also to himself.

Read the lyrics to "Nobody," courtesy of Genius, below.