COREY TAYLOR picks best SLIPKNOT song for introducing new fans | Page 3 | Revolver

COREY TAYLOR picks best SLIPKNOT song for introducing new fans

"It's such a great amalgam of everything that Slipknot does"
slipknot corey taylor 2023 inkcarceration PROMO thrasher, Steve Thrasher
photograph by Steve Thrasher

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While it may be hard for us to imagine a metalhead who's never heard Slipknot, it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. But for those who are uninitiated with the Iowa Nine's seven-album run, knowing exactly where to begin is one helluva undertaking.

Sure, the heavy-ass old stuff is a great way to wet a newbie's feet, but are "Eyeless" or "Disasterpiece" representative of the sonic scope that Slipknot have embraced in the years since?

For the Corey Taylor cover story of Revolver's new Fall 2023 issue, we collected fans' questions and posed them to the singer, and longtime Maggot Able Freeman asked him to choose the one Slipknot song he'd play for someone who's never heard their music before. It was a tough choice.


Oh God, that's a great question. I'd probably do "Duality," just because it's such a great amalgam of everything that Slipknot does, and it's still to this day one of the biggest songs we have.