For Fans of Neurosis: See LLNN's Unnerving Video for New Song "Obsidian" | Page 5 | Revolver

For Fans of Neurosis: See LLNN's Unnerving Video for New Song "Obsidian"

Copenhagen post-metal band evoke a rumbling avalanche on latest single

For the last five years, the Copenhagen band LLNN have been making crushing post-metal that has both the aggression of hardcore and the weight of sludge. Next month, the quartet will unveil their third LP, Unmaker, via Pelagic Records, and today (August 11th) we're proud to premiere its beastly new single, "Obsidian," alongside an unnerving music video. 

Although the song begins with spacey ambience, it quickly falls forward into a mighty chug that's then handed off to vocalist-guitarist Christian Bonnesen's stone-scraping howls. It only gets heavier from there, as avalanching bass rumbles and violent drums bash the groove into the ground with the force of King Kong punching the earth. 

Its unsettling video is the perfect accompaniment. Making good use of stark imagery and intense lighting, it tells the tale of an entity from beyond our solar system swallowing our planet whole. Watch and listen above via YouTube. 

"Obsidian is about something unknowable consuming and devouring everything in it's path to become a part of it," the band say. "Like an ever-expanding blob of flesh. It might be a metaphor for something…you decide."

Unmaker is due out September 24th via Pelagic Records and is available for pre-order here.