Go Inside Baroness' 'Gold & Grey' With New Behind-the-Scenes Doc | Page 2 | Revolver

Go Inside Baroness' 'Gold & Grey' With New Behind-the-Scenes Doc

John Dyer Baizley: "I still feel like every time we record, I'm still discovering some new avenue"

"There's usually one or two songs — at least one or two songs — that we'll do on any given Baroness record that have this familiar sense of rhythm or tone or texture or energy," says frontman John Dyer Baizley, speaking of the progressive sludge rockers' latest, Gold & Grey. "This just didn't." 

A new mini-documentary, titled Vaguely Familiar, takes a brief but intimate look at the creation of the album, including short interview segments with each member intercut with behind-the-scenes footage shot inside their colorful rehearsal space.

"I experienced this profound sense of genuine excitement," Baizley adds later in the short. "Like, childlike excitement, when we're written a song and finished it ... It's always kind of surprising to me that we made that and it didn't exist before." 

Gold & Grey came out on June 14th and is the first Baroness album to feature singer-guitarist Gina Gleason. She explains, "I don't think we set out to do one specific thing or one sound .... Everybody just kind of let everyone explore the weird and uncomfortable." The shredder, previously of Cirque de Soleil, mentions the music they created as a unit was a bit outside her comfort zone but that she's "kind of into that." 

Check out the full six-minute feature, which also includes interviews by bassist Nick Jost and drummer Sebastian Thomson, above. Baroness are currently on a massive tour that continues through the end of September — find dates here