Hear Avatar's New Songs "Going Hunting" and "Barren Cloth Mother" | Page 4 | Revolver

Hear Avatar's New Songs "Going Hunting" and "Barren Cloth Mother"

Reflections of "a damaged state of mind"

It's a big day for Avatar. The Swedish metal juggernaut are set to kick off their "Going Hunting" U.S. tour tonight (September 1st) in Albany, New York, and they've announced their signing to Thirty Tigers and the launch of their own Black Waltz Records imprint. To celebrate all of the above, vocalist Johannes Eckerström and Co. have unleashed not one but two new songs, "Going Hunting" and "Barren Cloth Mother," both of which, according to the band, "tell about inner and outer darkness," and represent a taste of things to come. Check them out above and below.

"There is a lot that can be, and has been, said about the past year and a half. At the end of it all, I think we're in a damaged state of mind," Eckerström tells Revolver. "With 'Going Hunting,' the starting point is a boy, shunned, shamed and isolated. In 'Barren Cloth Mother,' it's the animal child, torn from its mother. Both cases are unified in their rage. We're putting these songs out, and hope that something more will be let out with them. The outer darkness meets the inner."

Tickets for Avatar's Going Hunting tour are available via the band's website.