Hear Panic! At the Disco's Metal Version of "The Calendar" | Revolver

Hear Panic! At the Disco's Metal Version of "The Calendar"

Singer Brendon Urie revealed revved-up take during recent 'Fortnite' stream on Twitch

Not too long ago, Panic! at the Disco frontman Brendon Urie revealed his desire to "do a metal project," and even revealed that he was sitting on a particularly headbanger-friendly version of an old Panic! cut. Talking to Rocksound, he mentioned an existing "metal version" of Panic!'s 2011 song "The Calendar" that, at the time of the interview, had never been released; now he's made it public. He dropped it during a Fortnite stream on Twitch (because, why not?), and witnessing the ridiculous track playing over the uber-popular battle royale game is a truly hilarious sight. Urie goes extremely in when the song takes off, throwing fists and two-stepping it up while the track chugs along. In terms of genre, the take is pure metalcore, delivering a bunch of big-ass breakdowns and what sounds like a very dramatic solo. Who knows, maybe you'll see Brendon Urie playing a metal fest in the near future. 

Hear the original version below.