Hexvessel: Hear Grave Pleasures Singer's New Psychedelic Folk-Rock Album 'Kindred' | Page 4 | Revolver

Hexvessel: Hear Grave Pleasures Singer's New Psychedelic Folk-Rock Album 'Kindred'

Mat McNerney's mystical collective steps out of the forest
hexvessel 2020 PRESS

British-born, Finland-based musician Mat "Kvohst" McNerney is best known for his rapturous post-punk outfit Grave Pleasures, a.k.a. the band formerly known as Beastmilk. But the man is hard to pin down. He is also part of the grim occult-metal duo the Deathtrip, has made guest appearances with synthwave favorites Carpenter Brut and Behemoth frontman Adam Nergal Darski's blues project Me and That Man, and cut his teeth in Norwegian black-metal bands Code and Dødheimsgard.

And then there's Hexvessel. Formed in 2009, the self-described "psychedelic forest folk-rock" collective is part King Crimson, part Nick Cave, part Dead Can Dance. The group's captivating new album, Kindred — due out April 17th via Svart Records and available for pre-order now — also evokes Led Zeppelin's more hippie-ish digressions to no small degree. But judge it for yourself: Hexvessel have teamed with Revolver today to give you the early listen below.

"Kindred is for and about the community that celebrates nature mysticism," McNerney tells us of the new album. "Re-enchantment of the old, ancient and timeless ways that are still present in everything we do today, and will continue to evolve and exist long after all modern bastard religions are dead. This is not about romanticizing the past, but about a vision of the future.

"I quote Hesse: 'We marked men represented Nature's determination to create something new, individual, and forward-looking, the others lived in the determination to stay the same. For them mankind — which they loved as much as we did — was a fully formed entity that had to be preserved and protected. For us mankind was a distant future toward which we were all journeying, whose aspect no one knew, whose laws weren't written down anywhere.'"