See Pantera's Philip Anselmo Shred Slayer's "Raining Blood" on Dimebag's Guitar in 1995 | Page 4 | Revolver

See Pantera's Philip Anselmo Shred Slayer's "Raining Blood" on Dimebag's Guitar in 1995

Frontman riffs on thrash classic while his bandmates toss sticks and picks into crowd

Picture this. It's 1995 and Pantera are touring in support of Far Beyond DrivenDimebag Darrell and Vinnie Paul are tossing sticks and picks to the crowd. Suddenly, frontman Philip Anselmo, sporting a green Eyehategod shirt, grabs Dimebag's iconic axe and starts shredding the main riff to Slayer's legendary "Raining Blood." 

That happened, and Anselmo looked absolutely gleeful while doing it. In fact, he also sounded pretty damn good for a guy who was just noodling around onstage while his bandmates are chucking shit into the crowd on either side of him. We've seen video of Anselmo covering "Raining Blood" as a vocalist and even one of Kerry King playing the song with Pantera during a rehearsal in 1989. But this is the first time we've seen Anselmo crank out the track on guitar.

Thankfully, it's been preserved on YouTube for all to see over 25 years later. Watch above.