Slipknot's Corey Taylor Picks 3 Albums He'd Take to Desert Island | Page 4 | Revolver

Slipknot's Corey Taylor Picks 3 Albums He'd Take to Desert Island

They all sound completely different
slipknot corey taylor live 2022 crop AZU, Azu Rodriguez
photograph by Azu Rodriguez

For decades, metalheads have been asking each other some variation of the same difficult question: what albums would you take to a desert island? The prompt is bound to make any true music fan start sweating while trying to imagine a situation where they only have access to a small tidbit of their personal library, and during a recent AMA on Reddit, Slipknot  frontman Corey Taylor revealed which records he'd take if he was only allowed to bring three albums to a remote location.

The singer ended up choosing Master of Puppets by Metallica, Trouble by Ray Lamontagne and Midnite Vultures by Beck. The first album makes a ton of sense for people who know Taylor's work in Slipknot; he's always been a transparent Metallica fan, and earlier this year he named "Disposable Heroes" his favorite song by the thrash pioneers.

The other two albums are a bit out of left-field, but people who know Taylor's taste well shouldn't be too surprised. In 2013, he included both the folky Trouble and the funky Midnite Vultures in a list of his top five not-so-guilty pleasures, and in 2016 he even named Trouble one of 10 albums that changed his life. 

"So. Fucking. Beautiful. I worship that dude," Taylor told Metal Hammer while speaking on the 2004 LP. "There's not one bad song on here. Writing acoustic is what I love to do and that album is loaded with incredible songs that I'm pissed off that I didn't write."

Clearly, Taylor took the reasonable route while making his desert island selections — he understands that variety would be necessary for survial. And you can't get much more variety than those three records.