SPIRITBOX drop off FALLING IN REVERSE tour | Page 4 | Revolver


Canuck metal band release brief statement
Spiritbox press 2022 1600x900, Spiritbox
photo courtesy of Spiritbox

Spiritbox have dropped off their summer tour opening for Falling in Reverse.

On Friday (March 10th), the fast-rising Canuck band fronted by Courtney LaPlante deleted all of their posts about the trek, dubbed the Popular Monstour, on social media, and removed the dates from their website. Today, Spiritbox officially announced that they've decided to remove themselves from the bill.

"We have withdrawn from the six shows we were scheduled to perform on the Popular Monstour," the group wrote in a brief Twitter statement. LaPlante quote-tweeted the band's post with a single period, suggesting that this is all her and her bandmates have to say on the matter.

Last week, Falling in Reverse — the controversial rock group helmed by the polarizing Ronnie Radke — announced the blockbuster U.S. tour package that tapped Ice Nine Kills, Underoath, Spiritbox, Slaughter to Prevail, Crown the Empire and Catch Your Breath for support. In the days afterwards, several bands on the tour (including Spiritbox) began catching social media flack for not only signing on to tour with Radke (who recently lambasted a woman on social media who accused him of allegedly assaulting her), but for touring with Crown the Empire, whose guitarist Brandon Hoover is currently facing his own allegations of domestic abuse by an ex-girlfriend (allegations that Hoover and his bandmates deny, and which Radke has repeatedly chimed in to discredit, as well).

So far, neither Radke nor Falling in Reverse have publicly commented on Spiritbox's announcement. See Spiritbox and LaPlante's tweets below.