Tool: See Maynard James Keenan Play Jenga During Danny Carey Drum Solo | Page 4 | Revolver

Tool: See Maynard James Keenan Play Jenga During Danny Carey Drum Solo

MJK: "Fuck man! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Tool jenga screenshot

You ever run into one of those situations where you're trying to play a quiet round of Jenga behind a drummer's kit? You're just sitting there, hunched over with your blocks, trying to carefully pull loose ones out without knocking over the precariously stacked pile of little wooden rectangles, but there's a massive gong right next to your head that rattles your noggin like a Looney Tunes character whenever the drummer gives it a whack? Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan has been there. 

In a video uploaded to the singer's Instagram, Keenan is struggling with that exact situation while his bandmate, drummer Danny Carey, is banging away during a soundcheck on their current tour. "Danny, you son of a bitch! Tryn ta Jenga back here, ffs," Keenan wrote in the hysterical video's caption. Don't be like Keenan. Play Jenga somewhere else, for fuck's sake. Watch it below via Instagram