See Fred Durst Star in CarMax Commercial Poking Fun at Limp Bizkit's "Nookie" | Page 4 | Revolver

See Fred Durst Star in CarMax Commercial Poking Fun at Limp Bizkit's "Nookie"

Nu-metal meets suburban mom life in hilarious clip

It's been more than 20 years since Limp Bizkit's sophomore album Significant Other dominated the airwaves propelled by hit singles like the inescapable "Nookie." Used-car retailer CarMax has decided to cash in on whatever Bizkit nostalgia exists for the song's target generation — many of whom are now parents and creeping up on middle age — by using the tune as the centerpiece to a new commercial. In the ad, Significant Other is stuck in the CD player of a car in need of selling, and even singer Fred Durst pops up for comedic effect. 

The commercial's protagonist is a conservative-looking mom, seen suffering through several vignettes as snippets of "Nookie" continue to entertain her kids, drive her insane, and even draw attention from a judgemental cop as he rides past on a motorcycle. A narrator discusses how the woman wants to sell her car, but nobody will buy it when they're subjugated to the never-ending torture of hearing Limp Bizkit on repeat.

 Finally, our long-suffering protagonist is stopped at an intersection as a man walks past and looks over to reveal that he's none other than Bizkit's infamous frontman Durst, who looks on in mock judgment at the sound of tune blasting from the vehicle. The mom looks on in shock, seemingly unsure of what's before her eyes. 

All ends well, though, as it's commercial land, and the mom eventually takes the car to her local CarMax and unloads it on a new crew cursed to hear the track over and over or, you know, maybe they fix the stereo since that seems cheaper than replacing a whole car.