Tool: See Justin Chancellor as Santa and Danny Carey as Elf in Unhinged Christmas Ad | Page 4 | Revolver

Tool: See Justin Chancellor as Santa and Danny Carey as Elf in Unhinged Christmas Ad

Alt-metal weirdos play kooky characters in zany video for Chancellor's Dunlop wah pedal

Tool bassist Justin Chancellor and drummer Danny Carey are here to make the holiday season a little more fucking unhinged. In a new commercial promoting Chancellor's signature Dunlop Cry Baby Wah pedal, the alt-metal weirdos star as Santa and his elves while they proudly watch a young boy (also played by Chancellor) open Christmas gifts with his mother (again, also played by Chancellor). 

Featuring the 50-year-old bassist's bearded head superimposed on the body of a 10-year-old kid, the gleeful musician unwraps his big Christmas gift while his mom — a British, Mrs. Claus-ified version of Chancellor — joyfully holds a cake in the other room. Eventually, Chancellor takes out his Cry Baby Wah and starts shredding while Santa and a couple of his helpers peep open to the door and warmly remark at how happy he is with the gift. 

Then there's a second half of the video, during which the narrator — using generic TV commercial guy voice — reads off a serious of goofy promises on behalf of Tool, Chancellor and Dunlop, the company that makes the pedal. "Dunlop products will make you a better bass player than Justin Chancellor and be as big, or a bigger rock star than anyone in Tool." Stuff like that. 

Watch the whole hysterial thing above via YouTube.