Acid Helps: Hear Tool-Approved Band's Unhinged New Song "Sink Pisser" | Page 3 | Revolver

Acid Helps: Hear Tool-Approved Band's Unhinged New Song "Sink Pisser"

L.A. stoner-rock duo on opening for Tool: "Happy to lend some street cred to a decent enough band"

If you're a band called the Acid Helps, then chances are you know at least one person who has a proclivity for urinating in unseemly locations. That's exactly what the L.A. stoner rockers — and future Tool tour mates — are singing about on their ripping new song "Sink Pisser," which we're proud to be premiering today.

The duo of guitarist-vocalist Tim Dawson and Ryan "Junior" Kittlitz will be opening for Tool on their 2022 North American tour, and their fun-loving blend of chunky stoner rock, heavy grunge and noisy alt-metal will definitely appeal to fans of the prog-metal titans.

"Sink Pisser" is reminiscent of older Queens of the Stone Age, but with a faster, more urgent flair. The type of music that would play while your buddy's squatting over the bathroom sink in the middle of a drunken stupor. Crank it above via YouTube. 

"'Sink Pisser' is a song about the interesting decisions some people make havin' fun late at night, out on the town," the Acid Helps tells us. "We all have a friend like this — if you don't, it's you, buddy."

They also added a generous note about their upcoming run with the legendary Tool. "Happy to lend some street cred to a decent enough band."

Check out those dates here.