DOWN and COC's Pepper Keenan picks favorite SLAYER song | Page 4 | Revolver

DOWN and COC's Pepper Keenan picks favorite SLAYER song

The tune that made him stage-dive off an 18-foot balcony
Pepper Keenan live 2022 Hubbard 1600x900, Jimmy Hubbard
photograph by Jimmy Hubbard

Slayer have one of the most diehard fanbases in metal history, and in some ways, they're also the ultimate band's band. Intensity begets intensity, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a metal musician out there who doesn't love at least one Slayer record.

Metal Hammer asked several of the now-defunct thrash titans' peers and disciples to pick their single favorite Slayer song, and Down and Corrosion of Conformity's Pepper Keenan was one of them. See his selection below.

"Chemical Warfare"

Jesus Christ, man! The best Slayer song? What a question! I would have to say "Chemical Warfare." I guess it's because I did a stage-dive in an arena off of a balcony from about 18 feet in the air when it was playing a few years ago. I jumped over, and it was that riff going around in my head. The red lights went off and they're still flashing to this day.