Fantômas: See Mike Patton Play Insane Slayer Medley With Lombardo, Buzz Osborne | Page 6 | Revolver

Fantômas: See Mike Patton Play Insane Slayer Medley With Lombardo, Buzz Osborne

Trevor Dunn rounded out revered avant-metal supergroup

"I don't trust anyone who doesn't like Slayer," Mike Patton once said. Fortunately, in the avant-metal supergroup Fantômas, the prolific vocalist found three bandmates who very much do like Slayer: Melvins' Buzz Osborne, Mr. Bungle's Trevor Dunn and the OG Slayer drummer himself, Dave Lombardo. In addition to covering movie themes on their awesome 2001 album, The Director's Cut, Fantômas were also known to take on the music of Slayer, with a head-spinning live medley at select shows in 1999 and 2000.

While the band hasn't been active since 2017, when they reunited to open for TOOL in San Bernardino, California, their Slayer medley lives on on YouTube. As seen in the video above, "Angel of Death," "Criminally Insane," Necrophobic," "Postmortem" and "Altar of Sacrifice" are all quoted, but delivered with Patton's characteristic eccentricity, from the spastic vocal flourishes to the spikes of electronic noise.

While it might be his best, Fantômas' Slayer medley is hardly the only time Patton has taken on the thrash OGs' music. He's also covered "Raining Blood" numerous times, including with the Dillinger Escape Plan as well as with classical/jazz pianist Uri Caine.