Ghost Unveil "New Leader" Cardinal Copia | Page 6 | Revolver

Ghost Unveil "New Leader" Cardinal Copia

"A firm leader with youth and stamina and sexual charisma"

Ghost have revealed their new frontman, Cardinal Copia, in "Chapter II" of their series of videos introducing the latest incarnation of the theatrical Swedish band. Chapter I, "New Blood," was released last week and showed Papa Zero, flanked by two very creepy looking children, meeting with a woman identified only as "Sister" who asserts, "We need someone new. A firm leader with youth and stamina and sexual charisma."

Enter Cardinal Copia — carrying a boom box. Papa Zero is at first taken aback at Sister's nominee — "he is not part of the bloodline!" — until she reminds him that the Cardinal has the second most "Employee of the Month" awards, upon which he relents, swearing in Ghost's new singer and sending him on his way.

cardinal copia

In a recent interview with Revolver, Ghost mastermind Tobias Forge revealed some details about the band's highly anticipated new album, presumably featuring Cardinal Copia handling vocal duties. "It's a themed album around medieval times, but it's definitely clinging onto a lot of very current things," Forge said. "The Black Death [plague] is a great example of a turning point for a whole civilization. Complete villages were annihilated. Most people knew very little, so all of it was God or the Devil — and about their faith being questioned: Why are we being stricken down by this great scourge? It must be because of our not fearing God enough and all this superstitious bullshit."

Ghost are set to kick off their Rats! On the Road tour in May — see full dates here. A release date for the band's new album has yet to be announced.