Hear Gruesome Channel Death's ‘Spiritual Healing’ in New Song | Page 3 | Revolver

Hear Gruesome Channel Death's ‘Spiritual Healing’ in New Song

"A Waste of Life" is latest ripper from Matt Harvey (Exhumed) and Co.’s Chuck Schuldiner–inspired project

Gruesome is the great "what if." Originally started in the wake of the Death to All tribute tours, Gruesome was created as Exhumed, Extremity's Matt Harvey's love letter to Death and the late Chuck Schuldiner, moving forward on the sound and the approach of the Florida death metal titans. The band's third effort maybe their most speculative within the Death/Schuldiner world, but considering the array of experimentation and progression within that band's realm, it's still very much in pocket. Regarding the latest track, "A Waste of Life," Matt Harvey commented thusly:

"'A Waste Of Life' was a great opportunity to channel [Death's] Chuck [Schuldiner] and vent some frustration in a constructive way — through making some good ol' fashioned death metal. It's great to move forward in the Death catalog and get some new ground to cover. As much fun as we had working with the raw and nasty stuff on Savage Land and Dimensions Of Horror, it's great to challenge ourselves musically and thematically just like Chuck, James, Terry and Bill did on Spiritual Healing. Hopefully we do those guys justice and everyone has as much fun listening to the track as we did creating it"  

"A Waste of Life" is culled from Twisted Prayers, the band's latest LP due via Relapse on June 1. It's wall to wall memorable riffs and feels within the world that Schuldiner would have inhabited on Spiritual Healing. Stream it in full above.