Hear Vulvodynia Vocalist's Brutal Death-Metal Cover of "Jingle Bell Rock" | Revolver

Hear Vulvodynia Vocalist's Brutal Death-Metal Cover of "Jingle Bell Rock"

Duncan Bentley gets in the Christmas spirit

By their own account, slam-death extremists Vulvodynia make "the most brutal music to come out of Africa." According to Lorna Shore vocalist Will Ramos, they're the heaviest band out there right now.

The South African band's vocalist Duncan Bentley has put that heaviness and brutality to the test this holiday season — by covering the decidedly unheavy and non-brutal yuletide oldies staple "Jingle Bell Rock" by Bobby Helms.The result is truly ridiculous, especially since it's just a vocal cover, so we get to hear Bentley roaring and grunting over the jaunty, jangly original music. Watch the absurdity go down above.

In other Vulvodynia news, the self-proclaimed Kings of African Metal are prepping a new album for release next year. Also in 2023, they're set to headline the Unique Legion tour, joined by Australian deathcore unit To the Grave, U.K. tech-death bands Viscera and Osiah, and U.K. deathcore beasts Bound in Fear. Get more information, including the full itinerary, here.