SLIPKNOT's COREY TAYLOR reveals scariest fan gift: "It fucking smelled awful" | Page 3 | Revolver

SLIPKNOT's COREY TAYLOR reveals scariest fan gift: "It fucking smelled awful"

It made someone throw up immediately
corey taylor 2023 PROMO V2, Pamela Littky
photograph by Pamela Littky

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Slipknot fans are crazy motherfuckers. From huffing a dead bird in a jar, to giving the band a human femur with "People = Shit" written on it, Maggots have gone to inhuman lengths to prove their devotion to the Nine.

For an upcoming Revolver print feature, we collected fans' questions and posed them to vocalist Corey Taylor, and die-hard Allain Vichey asked him to name the worst, weirdest or scariest fan gift he's ever received. One in particular immediately came to mind: the time a fan brought Taylor a cow heart.

"One of Slipknot's biggest fans in Holland was this guy Crazy White Sean — he was this weird hippie artist-musician dude who just tooled around Amsterdam doing his thing," Taylor recalls. "We were in Amsterdam on Valentine's Day to play a show, and he brought us a real cow heart in a Valentine's box and it fucking smelled awful.

"Somebody tried to take a bite of it and immediately threw up. I was like, 'That's the dumbest thing I've ever seen, and I've been around!'

"Sean was one of those dudes who was kind of confrontational at first, but once you got past that crazy veneer, he was a sweetheart. He passed about about 10 years ago, which was a real bum-out."