Hear Comedian Bill Burr Praise Pantera, Talk Learning Meshuggah's "Bleed" on Drums | Page 5 | Revolver

Hear Comedian Bill Burr Praise Pantera, Talk Learning Meshuggah's "Bleed" on Drums

Actor continues to reveal deep love of metal on his "Monday Morning Podcast"

Comedian/actor Bill Burr has a history of indulging his newfound Meshuggah obsession on his "Monday Morning Podcast," gushing over the Swedes' labyrinthine rhythms and frenzied live show (the latter of which he described as a "fucking life-altering experience") in two separate episodes. In this week's episode, Burr spread the love to groove-metal titans Pantera and their almighty drummer, Vinnie Paul.

Just like his love affair with Meshuggah, Burr's passion for Pantera stems from his recent drum study: more specifically the double bass, which features heavily into both band's styles. "The fucking bands that I'm getting into [are] because I'm listening to a lot of double bass now," Burr explained. "My younger brothers were always into Pantera and shit, and I was just like, 'That's too heavy for me!'"

The Breaking Bad and F Is for Family star chastised himself for never catching Pantera in person when he had the chance. "I was old enough, I could have saw that band, but I didn't," lamented Burr. "I've got like everything that they have now; I always knew Vinnie Paul was a fucking great drummer, but Jesus Christ, [he's] just [an] incredible, incredible fucking drummer. "'Cowboys From Hell' and 'I'm Broken' are probably my two favorites and my drum teacher told me about their live album, 101 Proof," he added, before vowing to learn "that little double bass fucking riff there in the end."

Speaking of drum lessons, Burr announced later in the podcast that he's trying to learn Meshuggah's "Bleed:" an imposing, seven-minute epic clocking in at 115 beats-per-minute that amounts to an Everest-sized challenge for any drummer, let alone a beginner like Burr. "I'm gonna start double bass with probably the most difficult double bass song you could possibly have," the comedian revealed. "I'm up to about 70 BPMs, being able to play that lick, playing eighth notes." Best of luck, dude.

Check out the entire podcast now, and cut to the 32-minute mark for all the metal worship.