6 New Songs You Need to Hear This Week: 9/22/17 | Page 5 | Revolver

6 New Songs You Need to Hear This Week: 9/22/17

Cold Cave, Mastodon, Backtrack and more
cold cave still
Cold Cave, 2017

Here at Revolver, we're always on the hunt for great new music — indeed, it's a big part of our jobs. With that in mind, here are the tracks released this week in metal, hard rock and hardcore that have been on heavy rotation at Revolver HQ. For your listening pleasure, we've also compiled the songs in a Spotify playlist, which will grow each week.

Mastodon - "North Side Star"
Mastodon's terrific new EP, Cold Dark Place, kicks off on an unusually soft note, forgoing the usual hulking riffs or thunderous drum fills for soft, mournful lap steel courtesy of guitarist Brent Hinds. But this isn't your grandaddy's bluegrass: The Atlanta titans' creepy, warped Americana eventually succumbs to full-blown stoner-rock madness, offering yet another sterling testament to the band's epic wiles.  

Cannibal Corpse - "Code of the Slashers"
When you order a cheeseburger, you basically know what you're going to get. Same with a new Cannibal Corpse track, in this case, "Code of the Slashers," the band's latest death-metal exercise (with accompanying video). It doesn't stray too far from the blueprint created by these Buffalo, New York-born legends — deliver subtle melody amid skull-crushing brutality — and that's a good thing. Prepare for a giant juicy one, extra rare.

Backtrack - "Sanity"
Long Island hardcore favorites Backtrack bring the insanity on their new rough-and-tumble single and its associated video. Shot in black and white, the clip for the fist-clenching track shows the band at work with quick cuts of members in silhouette, coordinated flying hair, stage dives and the sort of general mayhem that you might find at a Backtrack gig in 2017. A fitting setting for a track that inspires chaos from the opening hi-hat four count. Look for their forthcoming Bad to My World, their third LP overall, due out via Bridge 9 in November.

Cold Cave - "Glory"
Wes Eisold (American Nightmare/Give Up the Ghost, Some Girls) has brought Cold Cave back into the light with "Glory," a propulsive track that sounds like a sequel to New Order's Power, Corruption & Lies classic "Your Silent Face." Though a cloud of darkness hangs over the entirety of the track, bubbly synths and a danceable drum loop are the focus here, making for a melodic and melancholic song built for singalong. Though Cold Cave has always produced good synth-driven pop songs, "Glory" (and possibly their early favorite "Life Magazine") may the first that would sit comfortably on a John Hughes soundtrack. Great ready to wear out that repeat button.

All Pigs Must Die - "Blood Wet Teeth"
Like all great supergroups, All Pigs Must Die — the hardcore outfit comprising members of Converge, Bloodhorse, the Hope Conspiracy and Trap Them — are more than the sum of their fearsome parts (or in this case, bands). "Blood Wet Teeth," the thunderous new track off the hardcore outfit's third album, Hostage Animal, finds the band upping the ante on its sludge-punk fury with black metal-inspired blast beats and lurching licks, to spectacular results. "Getting that feeling like you're about to break apart when you are making violent music is something we chase after any time we are putting together new material," the band told Metal Hammer, who premiered the track. Judging from the song, their pursuit's been successful.

Zaius - "Seirenes"
One of the promising post-metal bands to emerge as of late is Zaius, a Chicago outfit who sling deep, churning instrumentals à la Pelican, by way of Godspeed You! Black Emperor's heady drone. There may be no human voices on their new song "Seirenes" — which appears on Of Adoration, their upcoming debut full-length — but Zaius have plenty to say nevertheless. Their cavernous riffs and roiling backbeats speak volumes where their ironclad grip on dynamics is concerned, and it's hard not to be shocked into silence when the cathartic finale rolls around.