'JACKASS' star STEVE-O: Why I love METALLICA's 'Master of Puppets' | Page 4 | Revolver

'JACKASS' star STEVE-O: Why I love METALLICA's 'Master of Puppets'

"My sexual desire was really alleviated by the brutality of 'Master Of Puppets'"
Steve-O Jackass Press portrait grr 1600x900

Steve-O is one of several lifelong metalheads in the Jackass crew, and he was recently asked by Metal Hammer to talk about a handful of records that changed his life — so naturally, some heavy-ass albums were mentioned. 

One of those was Metallica's 1986 thrash achievement, Master of Puppets, which Steve-O hailed when he was asked to pick an album that reminds him of his time in school. 

"That was a moment in time that was riddled with angst for me," Steve-O recalled. "I remember trying to cope with hormones and being overpowered by urges to have sex and shit like that, and all the angst that came with puberty and sexual desire was really alleviated by the brutality of Master Of Puppets."