Lacuna Coil Appear on Cover of Revolver's New Issue | Page 5 | Revolver

Lacuna Coil Appear on Cover of Revolver's New Issue

Latest print edition also features stories on Slayer, Tool, Korn, Life of Agony, more
lacunacoil_featured_credit_jimmyhubbard.jpg, Jimmy Hubbard
photograph by Jimmy Hubbard

The visual artwork of tarot cards inspired Lacuna Coil in making their new, ninth album, Black Anima, the deluxe edition of which comes with a limited-edition custom deck, created with the help of artist Micah Ulrich. "We all love the art and thought, 'Let's create our own set of cards,'" singer Cristina Scabbia says. "Each song [on the album] is tied to a card."

Like tarot, which is both an ancient system of divination and a tool for self-exploration, Black Anima aims to plumb the depths of the human consciousness. The word "anima" means "soul" in Italian, after all. Yet, Scabbia explains, "In English, 'Black Soul' wouldn't sound the same. In Italian, anima is us, it's something bigger, it's everyone, it's an army, something stronger." It's a fitting title then: Lacuna Coil released their debut album, In a Reverie, in 1999, and over the intervening 20 years, they have become something stronger themselves, and built their own army of dedicated fans.

In commemoration of that 20-year-plus journey, Lacuna Coil appear on one of the covers of Revolver's new Oct/Nov 2019 issue, which hits newsstands October 22nd but is available via our webstore now. For the cover story, we gave Scabbia her second tarot card reading ever, and she opened up about the death of her parents and the start of her and the band's new chapter. "You learn that when tragedy happens, you deal with it in a completely different way than you were expecting," the singer told us after her cards were revealed. "A lot of people get lost in the dark, and I'm grateful that I followed the light."

Order the Lacuna Coil cover today!

lacunacoil_cover_credit_jimmyhubbard.jpg, Jimmy Hubbard
photograph by Jimmy Hubbard

This issue also includes features on Slayer, Korn, Babymetal, Jinjer, Tool in the early Nineties, Vic Mensa's 93PUNX, Life of Agony, Batushka, Blackwater Holylight, Cloak and Sanction.

Order the Lacuna Coil cover today!